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AES Brasil

AES Brasil

Brazil, Utilities

About AES Brasil

AES Brasil operates in the Brazilian electricity sector with generation companies, commercialization and distribution of energy, as well as provision of technical and operational services to the electricity sector. To serve around 8 million customers and 23 million people in 142 municipalities in the South and Southeast regions, it has a workforce of approximately 8 thousand employees.

What AES Brasil says about its journey towards <IR>

<IR> has been a key element in AES Brasil’s journey towards integrating more than financial information into our corporate strategy. In 2012, we launched our Sustainability Platform – a set of guidelines, goals and governance model around 5 strategic priorities – and we joined the IIRC Pilot Programme as part of the first group of Brazilian companies to do so.

Since then, <IR> has been of great support in terms of knowledge, guidance and, most importantly, in leading to action. In the first years of our involvement, the focus was on integrated management and thinking. We promoted internal assessments and facilitated discussions around the concepts and principles of <IR> with multidisciplinary teams in the same room. Working with the <IR> Framework has helped us move in the right direction to embed sustainability and move towards integrated thinking. Sustainability goals are now integrated into one corporate strategy, which has helped streamline processes as there are no longer overlapping conversations tying goals to multiple strategies. Another internal benefit is that <IR> has improved communication and collaboration between departments.

Such achievements paved the way for the application of the principles in reporting. The 2014 Sustainability Reports introduced value creation models, a chapter dedicated to context, as well as more connectivity in the content. In addition, the sustainability and investor relations departments have been working together on the inclusion of more than financial information in the quarterly financial reports since 2013.  The quarterly financial reports of 2015 already reflect the integration of strategy and more than financial indicators distributed in chapters, and no longer in an area dedicated only to sustainability.

AES Brasil does not have a goal to publish a single, integrated report. We believe that different stakeholders require language and scope adaptation according to their interests. We will keep specific reports to investors and the sustainability report separately for communication with other stakeholders and socially responsible investors. Also we see 360 degrees and continuous communications – as targeted at our workforce or in social networks – as a powerful tool for the practice of <IR>. We are working to increasingly have different reports and channels telling one story, according to the same strategy. The fact that there is no longer a business strategy and a coexisting sustainability strategy is a huge facilitator of this process. And more than communicate about sustainability, we want to communicate how we are protecting and generating value for each stakeholder, in those capitals of their interest. To learn more about the integration process at AES Brasil:

2014 Sustainability Reports

Value Creation Models


Sustainable Strategic Planning