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Yoichi Mori

Yoichi Mori

Technical Director

Yoichi Mori leads integrated reporting and assurance for non-financial information projects, as well as accounting and organisational governance of not-for-profit organisation projects in JICPA. He has worked with multiple stakeholders in the corporate reporting field, including businesses, investors and regulators through research projects, framework development and policy development for almost a decade. He was a member of the IIRC Technical Taskforce and contributed development of the International Integrated Reporting  Framework.

He currently supports several Japanese companies, including a financial group and a manufacturing company, on integrated reporting and strategy development as an independent consultant. He has put his efforts into the recovery of the North Eastern Region of Japan from the Tsunami disaster in 2011 through the development of a funding, reporting and monitoring scheme.

Before joining JICPA, he worked on financial audit, valuation, corporate governance and sustainability management in KPMG Azsa. Yoichi is a certified public accountant of Japan and majored Economics in Hitotsubashi University.