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Munich Airport manages its impact using integrated thinking

Posted 25 May, 2021

The <IR> Business Network’s Integrated Thinking & Strategy Group publishes its latest case study on integrated thinking in action from Munich Airport.

Flughafen München GmbH, founded in 1949, operates Munich Airport – the second largest airport in Germany. As a full-service operator it provides services in every area of airport management.

Integrated thinking has supported the organisation’s incorporation of non-financial and financial capitals into its business model since 2010. Previously, the airport had applied its corporate and sustainability strategies separately.

The team identified the importance of establishing one holistic integrated strategy, which clearly presented the value creation process of the business. It implemented integrated thinking and reporting to achieve this goal.

Munich Airport found that by adopting integrated thinking and integrated reporting together, they were mutually beneficial for driving a better understanding of the key issues it needed to address.

The organisation ran a series of internal strategy workshops at management and board level to analyse and identify the impact of the airport’s business processes on sustainability factors. This top-down approach helped to create a strong organisational culture where everyone is sensitive to the importance of these issues.

Implementing integrated reporting enabled Munich Airport to evaluate the processes it used to collect information. The team used the International <IR> Framework to better articulate the business model and map the outputs and impacts effectively.

Read the case study in full and find out more about Munich Airport’s motivations, approach and success in achieving its purpose.

The <IR> Business Network’s Integrated Thinking & Strategy Group series of case studies examine how integrated thinking has been embedded within international organisations from diverse sectors. The interviews conducted with key stakeholders identifies each organisation’s motivations, how integrated thinking has helped shape and deploy the organisation’s strategy, and what the benefits have been.